Statistics and meaning of name Rathswohl

We have no records about Rathswohl being used as firstname.
Surname Rathswohl is used at least 38 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Rathswohl
Given names
Christian Rathswohl (2)
Werner Rathswohl (2)
Margaretha Rathswohl (1)
Herta Rathswohl (1)
Patrick Rathswohl (1)
Sieglinde Rathswohl (1)
Heike Rathswohl (1)
Elfriede Rathswohl (1)
Gunter Rathswohl (1)
Erich Rathswohl (1)
Brigitte Rathswohl (1)
Erika Rathswohl (1)
Florian Rathswohl (1)
Alois Rathswohl (1)
Franz Rathswohl (1)
Gunther Rathswohl (1)

Surname Rathswohl in Austria   Surname Rathswohl in USA   

Rathswohl reversed is Lhowshtar
Name contains 9 letters - 22.22% vowels and 77.78% consonants.

Misspells: Rothswohl Lathswohl Rrathswohl Rathsswohl Rathsvvohl Rathswohla Rtahswohl Rathswolh Rathswhol

Rhymes: Kohl casserole vacuole stole glycerol systole

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Australia Austria Germany Switzerland Russian Federation


Writers: Eugene J. Rathswohl

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