Statistics and meaning of name Vinces

Usage: 5% firstname, 95% surname.
Vinces first name was found 16 times in 5 different countries.
Surname Vinces is used at least 302 times in at least 13 countries.

      Surname Vinces
Given names
Alicia Vinces (2)
Ose Vinces (1)
Maryury Vinces (1)
Pablo Vinces (1)
Pamela Vinces (1)
Willy Vinces (1)
Jenny Vinces (1)
Carlos Vinces (1)
Idris Vinces (1)
Laura Vinces (1)
Alessandro Vinces (1)
Gyorgy Vinces (1)
Wilson Vinces (1)

Given name Vinces

Surname Vinces in USA   

Vinces reversed is Secniv
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Sicenv Nviecs Vniesc Invesc
Misspells: Vincess Vynces Binces Vjnces Vences Vincesa Vnices Vincse Vinecs

Rhymes: convinces evinces minces princes provinces quinces winces inches fishes kisses misses

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Egypt Thailand Sweden Belgium Venezuela Peru


Famous people: Vince nt Grant "Vince" Gill, Vince Melouney, Bernie Vince, Vince nt David "Vince" Overson, James Michael Vince, Vince nt Mellars, Samuel Vince, Vince Bellissimo

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